Jenny Lacey, mastermind behind the on-line kids magazine LMNOP has come out with issue number three. The drive behind this issue is to celebrate animals. Packed with amazing photography by Ian Macpherson and styling by Lacey, number three does not disappoint. I am very happy to be a part of this (an introduction colulmn on page 12 and in the editor's welcome) and future issues with contributing stories. I am currently working on my story for the next issue and I'm thrilled to be on board! So head over to the site and get the latest issue of LMNOP. You download it here.
Congratulations! Such a wonderful magazine, love your contribution, thanks, irene
Posted by: irene | 26 May 2008 at 08:44 AM
thanks irene. that means alot!
Posted by: jenn | 27 May 2008 at 10:24 PM