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20 October 2008



I want one! I bet it is going to be expensive!!!!!!!!!!

helen dardik

What A Super Awesome Idea! I want one! No... two!


genius! i love how it is super safe! seeing little kids balanced precariously on the back of other bikes always frightened me a bit!


Love this!

abigail @ see jack draw

I love this! I wish I had one today :)


where can i get one of those?


where we can get one in Australia and how much?

minor details

vivian - i am uncertain about where to buy this bike. you can try the website http://www.taga.nl/default.asp and ask them? thanks - jenn

Barb Mewburn

I hate to be a party pooper as it Looks fantastic, but not much use in hilly area with only 3 gears! Not enough room for shopping, you'll have to get it delivered,Where do you carry the nappy bag & kiddy stuff? Protection for the 2nd child? Also you must consider that in Australia, it isn't legal to transport a child who can't hold it's head up & wear a helmet on a bike carrier or bike trailer. We live in a nanny country.

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Haha this is funny! love it

Bicycle Trailers

Well now, I was searching for blogs on fitness or health when i came across this post. Although not exactly what I was expecting I will give it ****.

Funny Love Quotes

Wow. Those bikes look super cool and practical. Thanks for sharing.

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